Thoughts about faith

Timeline of Roman Catholic Doctrines in Church History

The Roman Catholic faith has been an evolution over many centuries. Catholics teach their faith was handed down from the Apostles and they only formally established these doctrines as the need arose yet a careful study of the writings of the church show that most of these doctrines were not held by the early church and were later additions. Events in red boldface are those pertaining to doctrine. The rest are historical events not directly related to RC doctrine.


250 BCOT canon is universally accepted
33-100 ADApostolic age
60 ADPaul returns to Rome
~68 ADPaul dies; Peter dies around the same time
95 ADClement of Rome mentions at least 8 NT books
100-325 ADAnte Nicene period (separation of Christianity from Judaism and growth)
108 ADPolycarp, acknowledged 15 books
115 ADIgnatius of Antioch acknowledges about seven NT books
170 ADMuratorian Canon[BV1]  includes all of the NT books except Hebrews, James, 1 and 2 Peter, and 3 John
185 ADIrenaeus mentions 21 books
170-235 ADHippolytus recognizes 22 books
200 ADUnder Irenaeus, bishop of Lyon, a basic version of Catholic structure was installed with Roman direction
300 AD Prayers for the dead began
313 ADEmperor Constantine legalizes Christianity and moves the Roman capital to Constantinople
325 ADThe First Council of Nicea, called by Constantine, attempted to structure church leadership around a model similar to that of the Roman system and formalized some key articles
363 ADCouncil of Laodicea states that only the OT books (along with one book of the Apocrypha[BV2] ) and 26 books of the NT (everything but Revelation) were canonical
375 ADVeneration of angels and dead saints, and the use of images
393 ADCouncil of Hippo affirmed 27 books
394 ADThe Mass as a daily celebration
397 ADCouncil of Carthage affirmed 27 books[BV3]
431 ADStart of the veneration of Mary and first use of the term “Mother of God” at the Council of Ephesus
500 ADPriests began to dress differently than layman
526 ADExtreme Unction
551 ADCouncil of Chalcedon declares the church in Constantinople to be the head of the eastern branch of the church and equal in authority to the Pope
590 ADPope Gregory I becomes Pope and the church enters into a period of enormous political and military power. Some call this the beginning of the Catholic Church as it is known today
593 ADThe doctrine of Purgatory established by Gregory I
600 ADThe Latin language imposed by Gregory I
607 ADTitle of pope, given to Boniface III by emperor Phocas
632 ADIslamic prophet Mohammad dies beginning a long conflict between Christianity and Islam
709 ADKissing of the pope’s foot began with pope Constantine
786 ADWorship of the cross, images, and relics authorized
850 ADHoly water, mixed with a pinch of salt and blessed by a priest
927 ADCollege of Cardinals established
995 ADCanonization of dead saints, first by John XV
998 ADAttendance at Mass made obligatory
1054 ADThe great East-West schism marks the formal separation of the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox branches of the Catholic Church
1079 AD Celibacy of the priesthood decreed by pope Gregory VII
1090 ADThe Rosary invented by Peter the Hermit
1184 ADThe Inquisition instituted by the Council of Verona
1190 ADThe sale of indulgences begun
1215 ADFourth Council of the Lateran – ratified the teaching of transubstantiation. Also the confession of sins to a priest
1439 ADPurgatory proclaimed as dogma by the Council of Florence
1517 ADLuther publishes the 95 Theses
1534 ADKing Henry VIII of England declares himself to be the supreme head of the Church of England, severing the Anglican Church from the Roman Catholic Church
1545-1563 ADCatholic reformation begins
1545 ADTradition declared of equal authority by the Council of Trent
1546 ADCouncil of Trent official accepts 11 of the Apocryphal books as canonical[BV4]
1854 ADImmaculate Conception of Mary proclaimed by pope Pius IX
1870 ADThe First Vatican Council declares the policy of Papal infallibility
1950 ADAssumption of Mary (bodily ascension into heaven) proclaimed by pope Pius XII
1960s AD Second Vatican Council
1965 ADMary proclaimed Mother of the Church by pope Paul VI

 [BV1]The Muratorian Canon was discovered by Italian historian Ludovico Muratori in the Ambrosian Library in northern Italy in 1749. The copy his discovered was written in Latin and dates to the 7th or 8th century. Internal evidence suggests an original version around AD 180.

 [BV2]See What are the Apocrypha / Deuterocanonical books? |

 [BV3]The Council of Carthage listed the 27 books of the NT as well as the 39 books of the OT but included a few Apocryphal books such as Maccabees and Esdras. Prior to and after this council, most Christian and Jewish scholars held the Apocrypha to be non-canonical. They are omitted from the works of Philo, Origen, Melito of Sardis, Cyril of Jerusalem, Jerome, and Athanasius. They were also excluded at the Council of Laodicea held less than 40 years prior.

 [BV4]Trent declared both Scripture and tradition as authoritative. Salvation by grace alone through faith alone was rejected in favor of sacramental grace and righteousness based on an admixture of grace and works. The council also confirmed belief in transubstantiation. The council must be understood in its historical context. It has been called the anti-reformation council. Much of what it affirmed was in response to challenges coming from early Protestantism. The Apocryphal books contained support for doctrines such as prayers for the dead (purgatory) and indulgences.

4 responses

  1. Kyrila Scully

    Is there a printable version of this information? I love church history.

    March 28, 2024 at 12:03 pm

    • I don’t know if WordPress allows you to print but if not, I would be happy to email it to you.

      March 28, 2024 at 8:43 pm

      • Kyrila Scully

        Thank you for your response. I discovered it was easy to copy and paste to a blank page and print it out for future reference. 

        March 28, 2024 at 9:38 pm

      • You are welcome!

        March 28, 2024 at 9:42 pm

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